The Project was undertaken in Magadi Division of Kajiado District . The area is situated next to the Nguruman escarpment bordering Tanzania to the south, and Narok District to the west. The project activities were implemented in three administrative sub locations namely Oldonyonyokie, Kamukuru and Musenge. The predominant farming system in the area is livestock keeping by the Maasai pastoralists. Crop farming by irrigation is a minor activity practised by local Maasai and a few migrants along the Nguruman foothills. Being an ASAL zone the area is generally characterised by low livestock productivity; great variability of pasture resulting in seasonal animal/human migration in search of pasture and water. Other features include high prevalence of livestock diseases; poor infrastructure (communication and services); and concomitant high transaction costs. Figure above shows the project sites.
Project objectives
The overall objective of the KWVA Project is to contribute to pastoral development for poverty alleviation and sustainable food security through enhancing livestock management skills amongst Maasai pastoral women. The specific objectives of the Project are:
•To undertake a baseline survey of the Project area,
•Capacity building of pastoral women in livestock management,
•Facilitation of formation of women groups in Nguruman for training purposes,
•Production of training modules for Training of Trainers (ToTs) within the women groups,
•Production of a booklet on livestock issues in ASAL areas for the women groups
Project beneficiaries
The beneficiaries are women pastoralists in Magadi division of Kajiado District. KWVA aimed at training 500 women livestock keepers selected evenly to ensure even dissemination of knowledge to the community, and divided into groups of 50 thus making a total of 10 women groups
Baseline Survey of the Project area.
This was successfully conducted in 2007 by the association’s socio economist . The data generated from the survey clearly brought out the following:-
i.High illiteracy level in the Project area. Over 70% of the adult population had not gone through formal education. This was more pronounced among the women.
ii.The main source of livelihood for the community was livestock and livestock products
iii.Women have received minimal livestock extension services primarily due to the fact that a lot of the messages were passed to the community through public meetings which women do not attend. A cultural practice among the Maasai where women are not allowed to sit together with men in meetings or do not talk in such meetings, limiting women participation in development issues.
iv.Women are responsible for the care of young and sick animals.
v.Animal diseases are a major threat to livestock production,
vi.Women were involved in marketing of milk, hides and skins,
vii.Men were not supportive of a training targeting only women.
viii.Women groups were operating in the area.
These findings confirmed the need for enhanced livestock management skills within the community, and especially amongst women who cared for the young and sick animals. Furthermore, women are the ones involved in marketing of livestock products and were in dire need of appropriate skills and value addition. Hence KWVA project proposal was addressing relevant needs of the community.
It is noteworthy that Maasai men were not keen on having their women trained in isolation. Hence the project design had to be altered to take into consideration socio-cultural sensitivities in order to make it responsive to the feelings of the target population.
Facilitation of Formation of Women Groups: Change of Strategy
The baseline survey revealed that there were already women groups existing and operating in the target areas. In view of this, KWVA did not pursue formation of women groups as mentioned in the proposal document. They took on board the existing women groups and worked with them.
Capacity building Pastoralists’ Training Workshop
Capacity building was achieved through 8 workshops organised on livestock management, diseases detection, agribusiness and cross cutting issues as detailed in the KWVA training report. About 300 people were trained and 40% of them were women. The topics covered included but were not limited to:-
Trans boundary diseases (Foot and Mouth Disease, Rinderpest, Contagious Bovine Pluero- pneumonia,)
Zoonoses (Rift Valley fever, avian influenza, brucellosis, hydatidosis, rabies and anthrax)
Sheep and goat management (best breeding practices, de-worming regimes, sheep and goat pox, Contagious Caprine Pluero- Pneumonia, PPR).
Vector borne diseases and their control (ticks and tsetse fly and vector borne diseases).
Management of dogs and cats and their diseases
Donkey management
Poultry management
Livestock keeping as a business
Value addition of milk, hides and skins.
Apiculture (Bee-keeping) practices
TOT manuals
The following manuals have been produced and are in the final stage of editing:
•A Handbook on Indigenous Poultry Management in Pastoral Areas of Kenya
•A Handbook on Cattle Management in Pastoral Areas of Kenya
•A Handbook on Sheep Management in Pastoral Areas of Kenya
•A Handbook on Goat Management in Pastoral Areas of Kenya
•A Handbook on Donkey Management in Pastoral Areas of Kenya
Other achievements
In addition to the training, KWVA undertook a humanitarian mission in response to a livestock/human emergency occasioned by a prolonged drought. A field day was held in Oldonyokie and Kamukuru sub locations and the following activities were held:
•Donations of food (Maize and porridge meal) for human consumption;
•300 bales of hay and mineral supplements;
•Sheep and goat vaccinations against CCPP, sheep and goat pox (approximately 2000 animals were vaccinated);
•Treatment for sick donkeys, cattle and small ruminants;
•Vaccination of dogs against rabies; and
•Deworming sheep and goats.
Food aid and vet care given during the humanitarian mission cost approximately Kshs. 500,000.00. The mission was mutually beneficial as KWVA was able to use the field day as an opportunity to launch its project activities.